Final Pictures, Final Thoughts

Monday, April 19, 2010

Well, here we go again. Another round of "where's my visa". After having trouble with the New York Consulate, (Only one person there who seems to work) I am resending my passport, a second and third money order (another processing fee and a "rush" fee even though I originally sent it to them 5 weeks ago!) and all my paperwork. I actually sent it all to my brother who lives in DC. The plan is that he will personally bring it over to the embassy, wait while it's processed, then fedex it back to me. To which I should receive it Wednesday morning. No problem, my flight is Wednesday night. That is unless of course, the volcano in Iceland decides to delay me again. It would all be comical if so much time and money weren't involved. Pray that the visa is approved and processed immediately and that everything else goes smoothly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sheesh, I stress out when I fly to Florida to see the folks and they change my gate.
I hope it works out OK. Good luck and have a safe flight.
Dave Cushing