Final Pictures, Final Thoughts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Final Mountain to Climb

May 4th,
Last full day in Abuja. Started slow, got up after most had left, got on the computer and edited and uploaded some pix. Then called Rotgak to come pick me up and take me to the office. There I worked on Ojorndies laptop. For everyone's computer I was double checking Anti-Virus software, firewalls, basic maintenance stuff. Also switched them from Internet Explorer to Firefox. Tomorrow I will introduce Sintiki to Facebook so she can keep Dee and I up to date with their family. After I left the office (great hours, in by 10, out by 3, I could live with that) I took Rotgak and we went around town. Stopped at a photo lab to make some enlargements for UU's office and one for the home. Then I stopped at a few stores looking for a Firewire card. They have this nice camcorder they got delivered to them from England and it can't connect to any of their computers. I had no luck but still a few leads. Oh and then I stopped at a Garden shop to buy Sintiki a new plant for her garden which is just being started. Found a nice Amaranth, one I didn't have (but kept a few seeds for myself) Love Amaranth plants, I must have at least 4 species, one from Boston Commons, one from Montreal, and a few I grew from a seed packet. This one here resembles "Love Lies Bleeding". It has soft flaccid flowers that flutter with the breeze.
After that today's adventure began. Ever get that feeling when your trip is coming to an end and you still haven't done everything you wanted to? Well there is this hill near their home. It was in the first slide show. I'll have to upload another shot of it since tonight, me and Rotgak climbed it. He was dropping me off at home and I was thinking that time was running out. We pulled up to the house and you'll never guess......the power was out. So sitting inside with no AC and no computer didn't appeal to me. I turned to Rot and said, "wanna go climbing?" He readily agreed so I grabbed us a couple of cold waters from the fridge and off we went. Not a long climb up, maybe 1500 feet??? but had to take a bunch of breaks on the way up, ahem, cough "photo opportunities" I mean.

From on top we saw the sunset, then took pictures of UU's house and and the other side of the hill is the national soccer stadium. Great hike, and took only a third of the time coming down......with no breaks. Isn't it always the way?

When we got back to house, Rot headed home and UU, Sintiki, Kisha Elise and I sat at the table and had a wonderful family dinner together. Fish, goat, rice plantain, and a salad. Most salads here are coleslaw but this one was topped with brown baked beans and hard boiled egg. The whole meal was delicious. Oh speaking of hard boiled egg, with my rice and chicken at Skippers during lunch I had a Scotch Egg. It was a hard boiled egg, deep fried and it was awesome...very original. Wait till American fast food restaurants get a hold of this idea. Skippers is our favorite "go to" restaurant for a quick meal . Couple of meat pies at breakfast is my habit.
Just don't ask what kind of meat.

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